Explore Technology In The Area Of Kampung Lonek Among Tourism Officer


  • Siti NurAin Natasha zali Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah AGhani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia


kampung lonek, technology, tourism, research


The introduction explains the importance of studying Kampung Lonek's development from the perspective of tourism officers. One location with tourism potential is Kampung Lonek. There is growing interest in promoting the expansion of rural tourism, but little is still known about the needs, challenges, and opportunities for technology that can be found in rural villages such as Kampung Lonek. Using interviews, this study attempts to close this gap by examining the thoughts, opinions, and suggestions of tourism officials regarding the growth of Kampung Lonek as a tourist destination. This report emphasizes the importance of qualitative data analysis for technology themes as it investigates technology through qualitative research



How to Cite

zali, S. N. N., & Norhaninah AGhani. (2024). Explore Technology In The Area Of Kampung Lonek Among Tourism Officer. Jurnal Evolusi, 5(2). Retrieved from https://journal.uptm.edu.my/index.php/evolusi/article/view/272