Explore Strategies In Sustaining Local Tourism Development In Sungai Bumbum


  • Ahmad Syakir Fakhri Ahmad Fakaruddin Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Zaliza Azan Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia


Sustainable tourism, Orang Asli community, Social development, Natural resources


Sungai Bumbun residents benefit from sustainable tourist development. This research focuses on how visitors may impact local cultures and ecosystems. This research examines how local tourism initiatives may benefit the Orang Asli community and preserve its culture and natural resources. In-depth qualitative interviews with community development and tourism leaders were conducted. The data study showed the relevance of Orang Asli, government, and NGO collaboration. Education is vital to equipping the community to manage visitors. The findings emphasize the necessity of cultural conservation and sustainable tourism to lessen environmental impact. This study's findings are crucial for indigenous, healthy tourism. Local tourism in Sungai Bumbun may help Orang Asli people develop economically and socially by promoting unity, education, and cultural and environmental sustainability. This strategy protects their unique character and environment. 




How to Cite

Ahmad Fakaruddin, A. S. F., & Azan, Z. (2024). Explore Strategies In Sustaining Local Tourism Development In Sungai Bumbum. Jurnal Evolusi, 5(2). Retrieved from https://journal.uptm.edu.my/index.php/evolusi/article/view/277