Investigates How Mall Basics Change Shopping Behavior of Local Community In Small City Towards Growing Shopping Mall in Semenyih


  • Zulaikha Ghafar Father


Shopping Mall, Behavior, Small Cities


This study investigates the transformative impact of fundamental mall characteristics on local community shopping behavior in small cities, specifically in response to the expansion of shopping malls. Using a qualitative research technique, this examination identifies key elements impacting consumer preferences and decision-making processes. Mall location, accessibility, product diversity, store ambiance, and promotional tactics have all been cited as important factors influencing consumer decisions. The findings of this study show that the arrival of a new shopping mall reshapes the local retail sector, luring customers with its various offerings and modern amenities. As a result, this shift affects the patronage patterns of traditional retail outlets. This study not only improves our awareness of changing shopping habits, but it also makes strategic recommendations for local shops and mall developers to establish mutually beneficial ties with the community. The researcher conducted the study in the town of Semenyih, with the penghulu and the village head serving as respondents as representatives of the population who visited the shopping center and answered the questionnaire via interviews, resulting in a representative sample with a response rate. The data demonstrate that the establishment of shopping malls has resulted in a shift in the shopping habits of local communities in small towns toward increased shopping.



How to Cite

Ghafar, Z. (2024). Investigates How Mall Basics Change Shopping Behavior of Local Community In Small City Towards Growing Shopping Mall in Semenyih. Jurnal Evolusi, 5(2). Retrieved from