The Relationship Between Strategies in Sustaining Local Tourism Developments and Environment


  • Nuha Nazhirah Muhammad Ghazawan universiti poly-tech malaysia
  • Zaliza Azan Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia


Development, community, Environmnet


 Tourism is defined as visiting a particular place of interest without the intention of settling there long-term or earning a life there. When properly managed, tourism not only has a unique growth potential but can also be a valuable tool for assuring long-term development and assisting local communities. When tourism was more common in the past, policymakers, local governments, tourists, and host communities were all more aware of the detrimental consequences of tourism on the environment. As a result, developing a sustainable tourist industry is very crucial in the contemporary world. This study tries to explain the effects of tourism on communities and the possibility of a relationship between tourism and sustainable development, with an emphasis on the key components of ecotourism in sustainable tourism, notably rural and agrotourism. International cooperation in the tourism sector is lacking, nevertheless, particularly when it comes to exchanges regarding sustainable tourism development. Such exchanges could assist national and local governments in improving their sociocultural and environmental performance in relation to the tourism sector.Finally, the research suggests that local communities should continue to be in charge of how tourism develops in their areas, that tourism-related activities should be developed with their own resources, and that community involvement in full will be crucial to guaranteeing the sustainability of tourism over the long run.



How to Cite

Muhammad Ghazawan, N. N., & Azan , Z. . (2024). The Relationship Between Strategies in Sustaining Local Tourism Developments and Environment. Jurnal Evolusi, 5(2). Retrieved from

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