The Facilitating Conditions Accessibility to Mobile Banking Services


  • Deena Chandra Dass Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah A Gani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia



Facilitating Condition, Accessibility, Mobile Services


To investigate the relationship between the facilitating conditions accessibility to mobile

banking services and the behavioral intentions among the local communities. Transformational

in nature is mobile banking which affords increased ease of managing the money, transactions

and other accounts from anywhere at any time. The study discusses “facilitating conditions” as

determinants for mobility in mobile banking. Conditions of facilitation cover some conditions

determining how easily a person can use such mobile banking. This paper reviews literature and

empirical data on critical enabling factors for mobile banking adoption and use. This is because

the study starts with an overview of the required technical infrastructure consisting of network

coverage, smart phone usage, and Internet accessibility for enabling the mobile banking

entry. In addition, it outlines issues such as friendly interfaces, trusted authentications, and

customer care that improve overall user engagement. This demonstrates the importance of

educating people and raising awareness regarding mobile banking services among more people.

This study finds out that combination of enabling factors plays an important role in making

mobile banking accessible and usable. Knowing these determinants enables financial entities,

policy makers and providers of technology to create plans that encourage use of more mobile

banking which ultimately is beneficiary to consumers as well as the economic sector. This

article gives recommendations on how stakeholders can optimize their investment in mobile

based e-banking services in a dynamic digitized environment.



How to Cite

Chandra Dass, D., & A Gani, N. (2023). The Facilitating Conditions Accessibility to Mobile Banking Services. Jurnal Evolusi, 4(3).