Exploring The Facilitating Conditions Among the Elderly Towards the Intention to Use of E-Health Technologies


  • Nurul Farhah Mohamad Ishak Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah A Gani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia




e-health, Facilitating Condition



The observational quantitative approach was employed in this study to examine the adoption of e-Health. The

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was utilized to conduct a more

thorough analysis of the acceptance theory. The most recent unified model that can adequately describe why

information systems are accepted and used is called UTAUT. The purpose of the study was to examine how the

Fasa 1 L Community in Bandar Tasik Kesuma facilitated conditions of eHealth applications. For the purpose of

this study, survey respondents are members of the Fasa 1 L Community sample population. The independent

variables in this study were perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, technology anxiety, social support,

facilitating conditions, and performance expectancy while the dependent variable was intention to use E-health.

Data were collected through questionnaires delivered via Google Form. The results showed that the high

indicator of acceptance by the users was the time needed to input data to the e-Health application. This study

concludes that the acceptance of e-Health by users of primary healthcare centers in Fasa 1 L Community in

Bandar Tasik Kesuma is well received. This study suggests a more widespread dissemination of information

regarding the use of e-Health along with technical assistance and guidance on the use of e-Health applications.

Keywords: facilitating condition, e-health



How to Cite

Mohamad Ishak, N. F., & A Gani, N. (2023). Exploring The Facilitating Conditions Among the Elderly Towards the Intention to Use of E-Health Technologies. Jurnal Evolusi, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.61688/jev.v4i3.115