Performance Expectancy Among Elderly Towards Intention to Use E-Health


  • Iffah Zafirah Khairol Anuar Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah A Gani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia



e-health, Performance Expectancy, Intention to use E-Health


Governments and healthcare planners see the aging population as an important concern.
People believe that eHealth is a tool that can guarantee effective medical care. In addition,
eHealth services can contribute to a longer and healthier life for the elderly. However, several
barriers still prevent the widespread use of this strategy among the elderly. The purpose of the
study is to apply the Technology Acceptance Model to investigate performance expectations
among the elderly regarding the intention to use e-health in Malaysia. This study is a
quantitative approach and uses convenience sampling. Therefore, data was collected through
a questionnaire of 107 respondents, and this research covers adults aged 20 to 50 years and
above. Future studies will test the hypotheses of the conceptual framework. This paper is a
theoretical framework, and future research will examine the conceptual framework.



How to Cite

Khairol Anuar, I. Z., & A Gani, N. (2023). Performance Expectancy Among Elderly Towards Intention to Use E-Health. Jurnal Evolusi, 4(3).