The Accessibility of E-Government Services Towards Usage of E Government Services among Local Communities in Ampang.


  • Aziyati Adli Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah A.Gani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia



Accessibility, e-Government, Technology Model Acceptance


As a result of globalization and liberalization, the Internet has become a transaction medium in virtually every aspect of human life. This research examines the various determinants that impact the inclination of Malaysian citizens to utilize e-government services. This research amalgamates elements from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Culture-Moderated Diffusion of Innovation (DOI). This study adapts the accessibility of E-Government services towards the usage of E-Government in Ampang communities. During the survey conducted among communities, they are encouraged to use Google form to fill and submit their responses. This is to identify the accessibility of E-Government Services among Malaysian urban communities. The accessibility of E-Government services developed positively impacts on usage of E-Government services. Research findings suggest the accessibility of E-Government services as an innovation in the context of usage of E-Government.



How to Cite

Adli, A., & A.Gani, N. (2023). The Accessibility of E-Government Services Towards Usage of E Government Services among Local Communities in Ampang. Jurnal Evolusi, 4(3).

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