The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use and ICT Adoption among Elderly


  • Nur Ain Hassan Basri Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia
  • Norhaninah A.Gani Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia



ICT Adoption, Perceived ease of use, Acceptance and Use of Technology


The increasing use of technological devices among senior citizens presents a critical societal concern as the elderly population grows globally. Understanding the factors driving their adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its impact on their lives is essential. This study aims to explore various aspects of ICT adoption among older adults, including the challenges they encounter and the motivations behind their usage. Employing a qualitative approach, questionnaires are administered to 158 individuals at Apartment Harmoni, Petaling Jaya, to gather insights into their experiences and perspectives. By delving into their motivations, challenges, and the influence of ICT on their daily lives, the study seeks a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. Previous research, particularly utilizing frameworks like the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), has contributed significantly to understanding ICT adoption among seniors. Building upon this knowledge, this research aims to further illuminate the complexities of ICT usage among older adults. Ultimately, this study aims to inform strategies and interventions that promote digital inclusivity and enhance the quality of life for senior citizens in the digital era



How to Cite

Hassan Basri, N. A., & A.Gani, N. . (2023). The Relationship Between Perceived Ease of Use and ICT Adoption among Elderly. Jurnal Evolusi, 4(3).

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