The Relationship of Perceived Usefulness, Trust and Price with Consumer Purchasing Behavior.


  • Amelina Mohd Nasir Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Batrisya Nayli Azizi Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Mohammad Zulfikri Che Daud Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Muhamad Shamsul Ibrahim Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Nurul Zaitul Itri Alias



Perceived Usefulness, Trust, Price, Purchasing Behavior


This study aims to determine the relationship between perceived usefulness, trust, and price in Malaysia's customer online purchasing behaviour. The research conducted a pre-test on 100 respondents from Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. The study used a survey to collect the data and applied descriptive and inferential analysis to analyse it. The pre-test finding indicated the instrument is reliable to be used for the actual data collection. According to the pre-test finding, the study foresees that there are high chances for all the factors such as the perceived usefulness, trust and price to be significantly related to the consumer online purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. The research finding is essential to expand the online shopping behaviour literature review and applicable to practitioners for various industries.




How to Cite

Mohd Nasir, A. ., Azizi, B. N., Che Daud, M. Z., Ibrahim, M. S. ., & Alias, N. Z. I. (2020). The Relationship of Perceived Usefulness, Trust and Price with Consumer Purchasing Behavior. Jurnal Evolusi, 1(1).

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