The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in Elevating the Academic Performance of KUPTM Students


  • Nor Arham Nor Azlan Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Mohamad Emirul Endut Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Muhamad Shamsul Ibrahim Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Aida Zuliyana Ahmad Anuar Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA



Peer Tutoring, Academic Performance, Academic and Cognitive Gains, Environmnet, Social and Behavioral Support


In most higher-learning institutions, peer tutoring is becoming a phenomenon. Peer tutoring is an instructional learning method involving students teaching other students. Students work in pairs to help each other understand a subject or do an academic assignment. Peer tutoring works best when students of different skill levels collaborate. This study's primary purpose was to investigate the effectiveness of peer tutoring in elevating the academic performance of KUPTM students. The research site has been chosen to be conducted within KUPTM due to the samples mostly being in the range of age from 18-31 years old. This will ensure that the researchers will receive answers and responses in a more matured and structured form. Furthermore, this research's specified area is justified to be in KUPTM because the ground objectives of this particular research are to explore the functionality of peer tutoring programs as the element of elevation in the success and performance of KUPTM students.




How to Cite

Nor Azlan, N. A., Endut, M. E., Ibrahim, M. S., & Ahmad Anuar, A. Z. (2020). The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in Elevating the Academic Performance of KUPTM Students. Jurnal Evolusi, 1(2).

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