The Effect of Poverty, Unemployment and Zakat Rates on The Islamic-Human Development Index in Jambi Province Through Economic Growth as an Intervening Variable.


  • Juharati Dinia1
  • Amri Amir
  • Lucky Enggraini Fitri



This study is entitled the effect of poverty, unemployment and zakat levels on the Islamic- Human Development Index in Jambi Province through economic growth as an intervening variable. The purpose of this study is 1) to analyze the effect of poverty, unemployment and zakat rates on economic growth in Jambi Province. 2) to analyze the effect of economic growth on the Islamic-Human Development Index in Jambi Province. 3) to analyze the effect of poverty, unemployment and zakat levels on the Islamic-Human Development Index through economic growth in Jambi Province. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive analysis method with secondary data. The analytical tools used by the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method , using AMOS 26, use the stages of modeling and structural equation analysis into 7 steps, namely: 1. Theoretical model development; 2. Drawing up a path diagram; 3. Convert path diagrams into structural equations; 4. Choose input matrix for data analysis; 5. Assess model identification; 6. Assess Goodness-of-Fit criteria; 7. Interpretation of model estimation The results showed that the factors that directly affect economic growth in Jambi Province are the poverty rate and national zakat index, while the open unemployment rate does not affect economic growth in Jambi Province. The national zakat index directly has a significant effect on I-HDI in Jambi Province, however, the poverty rate and open unemployment rate directly do not have a significant effect on I- HDI in Jambi Province. Economic growth directly affects I-HDI in Jambi Province. Factors that indirectly influence I-HDI in Jambi Province through economic growth as an intervening variable are the national zakat index, open unemployment rate, and poverty rate against I-HDI in Jambi Province



How to Cite

Juharati Dinia1, Amri Amir, & Lucky Enggraini Fitri. (2024). The Effect of Poverty, Unemployment and Zakat Rates on The Islamic-Human Development Index in Jambi Province Through Economic Growth as an Intervening Variable. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 5(1).