Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the unethical act of copying someone else’s ideas, processes, results, or words without explicit acknowledgment of the original author and source. It includes both the unauthorized use of others' work and self-plagiarism, which occurs when an author reuses large parts of their own previously published work without proper referencing. This can include publishing the same manuscript in multiple journals or modifying a previously published manuscript with new data.

The Asian Journal of Professional and Business Studies (AJPBS) is committed to maintaining high standards of integrity and originality in its publications. We strictly oppose any form of plagiarism, and all submitted manuscripts are thoroughly checked for originality.

Plagiarism Detection

All submitted manuscripts are cross-checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during the initial stages of review will be rejected immediately and will not be considered for publication. In cases where plagiarism is detected after the article has been published, the Editor-in-Chief will initiate an investigation. The investigation may involve a Fact Finding Committee (FFC), and if the plagiarism is determined to exceed acceptable limits, the journal will take the following actions:

  1. Contact the Author’s Institution: The author’s institution, university, or funding agency will be notified regarding the misconduct.
  2. Erratum or Retraction: If the plagiarism is substantiated, an online statement will be linked to the original article, indicating the plagiarized content. The article will be marked as "Plagiarized" in the PDF version, and in extreme cases, the article may be retracted from the journal.
  3. Author Account Suspension: The author’s account will be suspended, and the author will be barred from submitting future articles for a period of 3, 5, or 10 years, or permanently depending on the severity of the case.
  4. Removal from Database: The plagiarized article will be removed from the journal website and any third-party indexing databases.
  5. Public Disclosure: The journal may publicly disclose the identity of the authors involved in plagiarism, along with their contact details, on the journal's website.

Types of Plagiarism

The journal recognizes several types of plagiarism, each of which will be handled with strict consequences:

  1. Full Plagiarism: Copying previously published content without any modification to the text, ideas, or grammar. This involves presenting exact text from a source as one's own without attribution.

  2. Partial Plagiarism: Involves a mixture of copied text from multiple sources, where the author has rephrased some parts but not properly cited the original sources.

  3. Self-Plagiarism: Occurs when an author reuses parts of their own previously published work without providing appropriate citations. This includes republishing the same content in different journals or modifying an existing article with new data but without adequate acknowledgment.

Policy on Plagiarism

The journal holds intellectual property in high regard and is committed to promoting the authenticity and originality of research. Authors must strictly avoid plagiarism in any form, as plagiarism undermines the integrity of scholarly work. If plagiarism is suspected in a submitted or published manuscript, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Investigation: The journal will contact the author(s) and request an explanation within two weeks. If the author does not respond in the given timeframe, the journal will escalate the issue to the Director, Dean, or Vice Chancellor of the author’s institution to take appropriate action.

  2. Committee Action: Upon establishing that plagiarism has occurred, the Fact Finding Committee (FFC) will investigate the matter and recommend further actions.

  3. Action Against Published Articles: For manuscripts found to be plagiarized after publication, the journal will:

    • Remove the article from the website and disable access to the full text.
    • Notify the author's institution or organization.
    • Suspend the author from future submissions for a specified period or permanently.


The Asian Journal of Professional and Business Studies remains committed to ensuring high standards of academic integrity and the protection of intellectual property. Authors are expected to adhere to these ethical standards and ensure all sources are properly acknowledged. The journal will take strict actions against any form of plagiarism, ensuring the credibility and reliability of the published work.