Instructions to Authors

Instruction to Authors

Author Guidelines

The Asian Journal of Professional and Business Studies (AJPBS) invites submissions of original articles that fall within the journal’s scope. The journal publishes two issues per year (June and December), and we welcome articles for consideration in these issues. All submissions must adhere to the journal's guidelines, which are available in the manuscript template.

Manuscripts must be written in English and must include the following:

  • A clear and descriptive title
  • An abstract summarizing the key points of the article
  • Keywords (3-5 words or phrases)

Submissions are accepted on the understanding that they are original works and have not been, and will not be, published elsewhere. All submitted articles undergo a peer-review process. The final decision on publication rests with the editorial board.

All articles published in AJPBS are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, meaning that anyone may download, read, reuse, and quote the articles for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided the original published version is properly cited. This license ensures that the authors receive proper credit and maximizes the dissemination and exposure of their work.

Preparation of Manuscripts

The Asian Journal of Professional and Business Studies accepts various types of articles including research/original articles, short communications, letters to the editor, monographs, and review articles. All submissions must align with the journal's scope, which includes areas of business, economics, accounting, management, and social sciences.

Formatting Requirements:

  • Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman (Font 12), double-spaced, with wide margins on one side of A4 (30 x 21 cm) paper.
  • Word count guidelines:
    • Full-length research papers: 8,000 to 15,000 words
    • Review papers: 8,000 to 20,000 words
    • Short communications, monographs, or commentaries: 2,000 to 3,000 words
    • Letters to the editor: Less than 2,000 words
    • Book reviews: 500 to 1,000 words

General Formatting:

  • Scientific names should be italicized.
  • Do not underline words unnecessarily; excessive italics for emphasis should be avoided.

Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:

  1. Research/Original Article:

    • Title (clear, descriptive, and concise)
    • Names of authors
    • Complete postal address of author affiliations
    • Email address of the corresponding author
    • Abstract
    • Keywords (3-5 index terms)
    • Introduction
    • Materials studied, area description, methods, and techniques
    • Results and Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements (for research grants or other funding)
    • References
  2. Review Article:

    • Title (clear, descriptive, and concise)
    • Introduction (introduce the topic and summarize previous research)
    • Discussion (main points and relevant literature)
    • Conclusion (strengths and weaknesses of the article)
    • References