Courier Tracking Management System with Notification Using Barcode Scanner


  • Edham Rabuan Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Juanita Zainudin Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Hafiza Samad Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Faizah Miserom Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Shima Sabri Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA



Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA (KUPTM) highly requires a Courier Tracking Management System in managing the ingoing and outgoing of parcels easily. However, in reality, the efficiency of obtaining the tracking and managing data is a very challenging task. The aim of this study is to develop an efficient and economical system called the Courier Tracking Management System. This system is developed using Adobe Dreamweaver-based PHP programming and Javascript. The proposed system was initially tested by users using the Unit Testing technique. The proposed system was found to be successful in increasing the efficiency of tracking and managing parcels in KUPTM with a success rate of 85 per cent.




How to Cite

Rabuan, E. ., Zainudin, J., Samad, H., Miserom, F., & Sabri, S. . (2020). Courier Tracking Management System with Notification Using Barcode Scanner. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 1(1).