Development of Transistor Checker Based on Direction of Current Flow.


  • Zuraini Mohd Safuan* 1 Politeknik Tun Syed Nasir Syed Ismail
  • Mohd Azali Zainal Abidin Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan



BJT Configuration Trainer Kit, Transistor, ECB, EBC


The issue of electrical engineering students had to face difficulties in identifying the characteristics of components often used in their daily lives when doing practical work, such as transistors. We recognise that some students take a long time to complete their practice because they need help determining the transistor type and their pin emitter, collector, and base. Therefore, we came up with the idea to create a tool that will reduce the time for students to do practicals. In this project, we limited the scope to determine the transistor type and the pin. This project is a quick transistor tester. The device's function when we insert the transistor on the pin socket is occupied by the led that we insert as an indicator will show the output whether the transistor is NPN or PNP type. It can also determine the pin of the transistor, whether it is EBC or ECB.




How to Cite

Mohd Safuan*, Z., & Zainal Abidin, M. A. (2022). Development of Transistor Checker Based on Direction of Current Flow. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 3(2).