Financial Performance Analysis of Food and Beverages Companies in Malaysia.


  • Mohd Hadli Shah Mohamad Yunus Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech MARA
  • Alya Maisarah Abdul Fami Universiti Kuala Lumpur MIDI
  • Nur Radzimah Mat Raz Universiti Kuala Lumpur MIDI
  • Rugaya Salim Universiti Kuala Lumpur MIDI



Financial ratio, financial analysis, financial performance, F&B industry, Profitability performance


This study aims to analyse the financial health and business processes of selected organisations. It entails figuring out how stable, marketable, profitable, and liquid the business is. This study closely examines three companies operating in the Malaysian F&B industry. By investigating Bursa Malaysia issued the company's annual report for the financial condition in 2019 before the COVID outbreak. The five financial ratios calculated for each organisation in this study are the liquidity, efficiency, debt, profitability, and marketability ratios. Comparing these ratios is to establish which company is more competitive and effective. The results of this study of company performance based on financial ratios not only evaluate the debt ratio but also measure the efficiency with which a company employs its assets and resources, evaluate the company's ability to generate revenue to sales, and finally evaluate the stock price.




How to Cite

Mohamad Yunus, M. H. S., Abdul Fami, A. M. ., Mat Raz, N. R., & Salim, R. . (2022). Financial Performance Analysis of Food and Beverages Companies in Malaysia . The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 3(2).