Effect Of Investment, Unemployment And Human Development Index Against Income Inequality (Comparative Study Of Java Island, Sumatra And Sulawesi Island)


  • Sandi Abdi JJ Pamungkas Universitas Jambi
  • Haryadi Universitas Jambi
  • Etik Umiyati Universitas Jambi




Investment, Unemployement, Human Development Index


This study aims to analyze the effect of Investment, Unemployment and Human
Development Index on Income Inequality (Comparative Study of Sumatra, Java and
Sulawesi Islands). The data used is panel data (time series & cross section) from 2010 to
2023 consisting of every province on the island of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. Data is
sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Investment Coordinating Board,
Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia. The data was analyzed by path analysis
method (Sobel Test) using Eviews12 software. The results of the analysis show that partially
Investment and Human Development Index have a significant direct influence on Income
Inequality through GRDP in Sulawesi Island, while Unemployment indirectly has no
significant effect. In contrast to Sumatra and Java, both show that Investment,
Unemployment and Human Development Index do not have a significant indirect effect on
Income Inequality through GRDP. However, simultaneously all these independent variables
have a significant direct influence on income inequality in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi



How to Cite

Sandi Abdi JJ Pamungkas, Haryadi, & Etik Umiyati. (2024). Effect Of Investment, Unemployment And Human Development Index Against Income Inequality (Comparative Study Of Java Island, Sumatra And Sulawesi Island). The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.61688/ajpbs.v5i1.306