Comparative Study and Regional Financial Performance and Its Effect on The Economic Growth of Districts/Cities in Jambi Province.


  • Arden Naser Yustian Simarmata Universitas Jambi
  • Erni Achmad Universitas Jambi
  • Zainul Bahri Universitas Jambi



Regional Self Reliance, Income Effectiveness, Economic Growth


This research is entitled comparative study and regional financial performance and its effect
on the economic growth of districts / cities in Jambi Province. The purpose of this study is to
determine and analyze the effect of regional financial independence ratio, income
effectiveness ratio and efficiency ratio on economic growth in Jambi Province District/City.
The analysis method used quantitative descriptive analysis with panel data regression method.
The results showed that the income effectiveness ratio had a significant effect on economic
growth, while the Regional Independence Ratio and the Income Effectiveness Ratio did not
have a significant effect on the economic growth of Jambi Province districts/cities.



How to Cite

Arden Naser Yustian Simarmata, Erni Achmad, & Zainul Bahri. (2024). Comparative Study and Regional Financial Performance and Its Effect on The Economic Growth of Districts/Cities in Jambi Province. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 5(1).