Building a Safer Future: The Impact of Safety Leadership and Safety Competency in The Construction Industry.


  • Hamizi Hamdan Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Rosli Mahmood Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Raemah Abdullah Hashim City University of Malaysia
  • Nur Shazwani Rosli Sunway Universiti Malaysia



The Malaysian construction industry has experienced a concerning trend, ranking fifth in
accidents from 2017 to 2021 and witnessing the highest number of fatal workplace injuries
compared to other sectors. This study aimed to investigate the influence of safety leadership
and safety competency on safety culture within the construction industry. To conduct the
research, data were collected from 385 supervisors, engineers, and project managers
employed by Grade G7 contractors registered with the Malaysian Construction Industry
Development Board (CIDB) in four Peninsular Malaysia states. A systematic random
sampling method was employed, and data analysis was carried out using SmartPLS 4. The
study's findings underscore the significance of both safety leadership and safety competency
in positively impacting safety culture within the construction industry. The practical
implications of these findings suggest that contractors should prioritize safety leadership and
allocate resources to safety training and development initiatives. By enhancing employees'
safety competencies, organizations can contribute to the establishment of a robust safety
culture, ultimately addressing the industry's safety challenges. This research sheds light on
crucial factors that can contribute to improving safety outcomes in the Malaysian
construction industry



How to Cite

Hamdan, H., Mahmood, R., Abdullah Hashim, R., & Rosli, N. S. (2023). Building a Safer Future: The Impact of Safety Leadership and Safety Competency in The Construction Industry. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 4(2).