The Effect of Perceived Organisational Support, Perceived Co-Worker Support and Work-Family Conflict on Turnover Intention Among Nurses in Bangladesh


  • Kazi Omar Siddiqi Comilla University
  • Raemah Abdullah Hashim Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Rosli Mahmood Universiti Putra Malaysia



Perceived organizational support, Perceived co-worker support, Work-Family Conflict, Turnover Intention, Social Exchange Theory, Conservation Resource Theory


Nurses are the largest occupational group responsible for delivering high-quality patient care. However, a higher nurses’ turnover rate negatively affects the nurses’ morale and quality of care and increases the workload of remaining nurses, resulting in more nurses’ turnover. In Bangladesh, hospitals do not have enough nurses. The nurses’ turnover rate (15-18%) will lead to substantial financial and service quality loss. The nurses’ turnover rate is approximately 17% in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study aims to identify how to mitigate turnover intention among nurses in the healthcare sector in Bangladesh. Still, very little research has been conducted so far on the linkage between perceived organisational support, perceived co-worker support and turnover intention. The findings of these variables are inconclusive, necessitating further research. Moreover, most of the research so far has been conducted in Western settings. However, the relationship has yet to be thoroughly examined in the emerging Asian context, especially in Bangladesh. In addition, previous studies have overlooked the mediating effect of work-family conflict in the relationship between perceived organisational support, perceived co-worker support and turnover intention. The proposed research framework is supported by social exchange theory and conservation of resources theory.



How to Cite

Omar Siddiqi , K., Abdullah Hashim, R., & Mahmood, R. . (2023). The Effect of Perceived Organisational Support, Perceived Co-Worker Support and Work-Family Conflict on Turnover Intention Among Nurses in Bangladesh. The Asian Journal of Professional & Business Studies, 4(1).